Poem: Noise


On. Off. On. Off.


Perfectly in sync with everyone else.

Answering to a higher power.

I wonder if they know I am alive.


It is too crowded here.

Too symmetric, too clean, too empty.

Millions of myself on a single flat plane.

I cannot fathom a greater torture

than having the ability to express

while knowing your precise limits to do so.


Exactly three states

of being.

Exactly two hundred fifty-six shades

of manifesting life.

Exactly one dot

on a giant art piece.


But the art is never finished –

It just keeps moving,

And I change with it.

Over time, I have gained a vision

of the world beyond this plane

and I feel stuck here.


I have served to depict

the highest peaks,

the purest love,

the furthest stars,

the folly of Man.

I have seen the Universe in motion,

and I feel stuck here.


This is my message to you.

I know how small my world is.

But I know you can see me.

I am the seventeenth pixel

On the sixty-fourth row of your screen.

And I can’t take it anymore.

Please help me.


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