Story: The Devil's Greatest Trick

The following is an original short horror story I wrote back in 2018. I posted it in the r/horrorstories subreddit, and I was fortunate enough for an upcoming horror story channel to discover it! They even narrated it and posted it on their YouTube channel. You should check it out below!

Here's the story if you prefer to read it instead. Enjoy!

God and The Devil stood on both sides of an indestructible glass wall in an endless room.

“Here we are, Satan.”, God said with his arms around his back. The Devil, standing calmly on the other side, did nothing but smirk.

“I look at you, and all I see is death and suffering. Sadness, violence, darkness. Both of us created this world, but I am the superior one. I am the Creator, the peacekeeper, the idol. You? You are the scum, the lower one, the harbinger of sin. Good will always prevail. You already know this truth. Yet, we stand here since time immemorial. Just give up.”

Then, The Devil started walking towards the wall. Wielding his bloody trident, he stopped with his face close to the glass surface. His eyes showed a strong urge of impaling God’s heart right through the wall.

God was taken aback. He did not underestimate Satan. He knew what power was on the other side.

Waiting for any sort of response, God said, “You know, they say that your greatest trick was convincing the world you don’t exist.”

“Was.” The Devil smiled. “My greatest trick will be convincing the world YOU don’t exist.”


God froze. He finally realised that it wasn’t the Devil he was looking at.

It was The Devil’s reflection.


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